Songs purchased through iTunes Sore after 2009 are in DRM-free M4A format. Songs purchased from iTunes Store before 2009 are also in DRM-protected M4P format. All Apple Music songs are DRM protected and that protection remains even if subsequently downloaded to your device. It's really just an AAC file that's copy-protected using a proprietary DRM technology created by Apple. The songs you download from Apple Music all have this suffix. If you subscribe to Apple Music, the $9.99/month music streaming service, you're familiar to the M4P format. Apple uses its FairPlay Digital Rights Management (DRM) system to protect M4P files. This file format is usually considered as an iTunes Music Store’s audio file format. The M4P stands for MPEG 4 Protected (audio), and it encodes the audio with advanced audio codec (AAC) and protects the file from un-authorized use of the file. So these files can be played only on Apple Macbooks, iPhone and iPad. Usually M4P files are specific to Apple multimedia devices.

It means that M4P files can be played only on authorized systems or devices. M4P is an AAC file but copy-protected by using a Digital Rights Management (DRM). m4p extension is an audio file which is usually available at Apple Music for download.

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How to convert iTunes/Apple Music M4P to MP3? Can Online M4P to MP3 Converter convert M4P to MP3?